Thursday 26 February 2015


Today I worked on creating a co company ident. I worked on the project alone using iStopMotion and I used work that I had made in iStopMotion previously. I then took more shots using the same monkey that was the subject of my ident before until I was happy that I had enough shots of it to work with and that it could flow well.

I used the clips and animations I had created and edited the footage in iMovie creating the ident so that it was an appropriate length and so that it looked succinct effective and visually appealing. I have altered and experimented with fonts, lighting, exposure and colour schemes. 

These images demonstrate the editing process taking place and the way in which the monkey is seen to move around on the screen. The small amount of footage is interesting and eye catching due to the movement created. 
Here I have altered brightness and colours of the clips to experiment with alternative looks to the ident. I have considered other fonts as well and iMovie allows me to experiment with various colours. I can also alter the timing for when the company name is seen. I can also experiment with audio to accompany the clip. 

1 comment:

  1. You took sole responsibility for devising and constructing this witty and engaging co-production company ident in iStopMotion. Well done.
