Monday 9 March 2015


Today we filmed the final ending scene for our short film. We used various angles for the scene so that it would be more visually appealing and interesting.

We also experimented with the sticky notes and eventually decided to stick one of the notes onto a book that the 'nice' male drops when he and the female character bump into one another. 

We decided audio was necessary and to make a distinction between the two male personalities we wanted to make sure the nice male sounded less confident. It had to match the shy personality created by the way he is too shy to reveal himself to the female character. 

When filming we decided that it was important to put emphasis on the books as they dropped and the note attached to one of them. The book with the note attached reading "I see you got my sticky notes" was placed in focus on the camera. Whilst this book was emphasised the other books and the audio of both characters apologising to one another could be heard and seen in the background. 

The scene following from this involved a two person mid shot. The female character has seen the note attached to the book and realised who has really been trying to attract her attention. In this scene we wanted the audio to trail off to create tension. The characters exchange glances and smile at one another which creates the romance.

To enhance the clip and make it more romantic we decided to use artificial lighting. The light was soft and warm setting a romantic tone. We felt it was far too dark before and the expression of both characters was a lo clearer. Using the lights was also important in order to keep our filming consistent we we used artificial lighting in previous scenes shot at the library. We also tried to minimise shadows as much as possible by placing the lights in specific positions. It was difficult to avoid this in the image seen above. However we made sure that in close ups of the books, there were as few shadows from the lights as possible.