Tuesday 30 September 2014


Cinema16 is a small British DVD company who release "classic & award winning short films on DVD". 

Their compilations released include short films from famous directors including Ridley Scot, Tim Burton , Mark Leigh and George Lucas. Cinema16 also features work created by less well known directors. As well as this, their films also feature commentary tracks (usually by the director). 

Cinema16 have so far released five DVDs which include a total of 68 short films by 67 directors :

  • British Short Films 
  • European Short Films
  • US Edition of European Short Films 
  • American Short Films
  • World Short Films
Directors Label

Directors Label is a series of DVDs that showcase the work of various directors of short films, music videos and video art. It was first released in 2003 by  Palm Pictures and the series was created by directors Spike Jonze, Chris Cunningham and Michel Gondry who are the subjects of the first three volumes. Short films are often showcased at film festivals howeverDVD's are considerably better as they can be viewed repeatedly. They are often considered as better platform than film festivals. 

cinema16 official site: http://www.cinema16.org/home.php
cinema16 information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinema16
directors label information source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directors_Label

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