Tuesday 30 September 2014


Short film’s are often screened in film festivals. Examples of film festivals include:
Sundance Film Festival

  • Sundance Film Festival (January 22 - february 1st, 2015) is an American film festival taking place annually in Utah
  • began in Salt Lake City in August 1978
  • In 2012 46,731 people attended the festival 
  • It's one of the largest independent film festivals in the United States

  • The Sundance festival enable people to access videos online
  • The festival enables new directors to showcase their work both at a festival and online where videos are often very successfully shared 
  • short films are helpful for people who create short films as a promotional method, for example, for the purpose of charity events  
  • the festival encourages people to watch short films both at the festival and online through "Netflix" and also through "YouTube" where trailer's and clips of film's are featured 


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