Thursday, 11 September 2014


Today we created an idea for our short film. We created a rough outline for a storyboard and we have entitled our film "checkout". In order to create a final storyboard with more detail we felt it was important to create a first draft that would help us establish the basic outline for our film. We are also able to consider who and what should feature in the film using this plan. Our group has therefore been able to start thinking about props and camera shots early on so that we can begin to develop this idea and improve it. We've managed to create a plan that has demonstrated key characters, a plot twist and an ending. Below are photos of my rough plan for our film:

1 comment:

  1. Your group brainstormed and refined your ideas until you were ready to pitch them in the form of a treatment (which you will post). Very good, lively work. Good team work.
