Wednesday 15 October 2014


I have also looked at the radio trailer for the film "Apocalypse Now". The speech at the beginning is not accompanied by music. The music is eased in gradually as it is loud and bold. It is introduced after the first part of dialogue where the film title is stated. This emphasises the release of the film and the name of the film. The music used is key to demonstrating the genre of the film as the bold audio has an adventurous or thrilling tone to it. The dialogue at the begging of the radio advert appears to be audio from the film which helps to portray the film in an appealing way for an audience and to demonstrate the themes of the film. The mention of key actors names draws in audience and may also signal what genre the video is likely to be. 

The voice over at the end of the radio advert features key information such as the classification of the film, "certificate X", and where the film can be seen and when such as the dialogue "all over London from Sunday". There is also a voice over used at the end which works as a conclusion to the advert. It features a line that may be considered a tag line: experience apocalypse now and you will never need to go to war. There is also use of audio which gives insight agin into the genre of the film and is likely to have been taken from the film itself: "the horror" These words are repeated at the end and fade out to create drama and emphasis about the horror and thriller styled genre. 

1 comment:

  1. You show detailed textual analysis of the radio trailer conventions. Pick out key terms in colour.
