Thursday 2 October 2014


Today, I looked for a venue for the restaurant scene of our short film. The area works well as it can be used to set up an outdoor eating area. I think the location works well for the scene as there are doors leading to the eating area that could be used to set the scene as a restaurant. I have considered replacing the bench with a smaller table as it will create a more realistic romantic scene. I feel that the location will work well for the romantic scene as it is reasonably quiet and is less open. This will help to create the intimate tone to the dinner date. The location is near to a kitchen which may be good when filming our establishing shots. The space int he scene allows us to have shots that will be uninterrupted by unwanted background objects. 

This shows a close up of the bench we considered using. The bench is positioned in a setting that would offer enough space for our scene. The bench is very large and does not really represent a table that one would see at a dinner date. Therefore I have decided it is best if we remove the bench and use a smaller table. We can dress up the table with props such as a table cloth and candles. 
This shot depicts a possible camera angle we could use. It would be a good establishing shot to reinforce the idea that the scene is in a restaurant. 
this is a shot of the bench taken from above demonstrating the space available and the possibility of a camera angle that could be used in our film.

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