Monday 6 October 2014


I have looked at the short film "cold" and identified how they present the genre of the film. 

The film "Cold" was created by Ryerson University. When researching the film it appear difficult to find the film poster and it seemed that there wasnt one.

The producers of the film have used other methods to promote the film such as interviews. Film maker Waseem Shaikh has said that the film is set in "Toronto" where "several lives intersect. He also mentions that the film deals with feelings of "isolation" and "often deals with in gay circles". It was released for free online to assist with this promotion and is available on youtube, a popular and commonly used website to stream online media. The film is described as being set in toroto "in a city notorious for being cold to strangers" 

After further research I have found that the producers have created a twitter page where I have finally found their poster for the film. 

The most prominent word in the poster is the title of the film "COLD". The font is bold and eye catching; colours used for the font are in keeping with the theme of blue used in the background. This is also done with the font that reads "coming soon" which is set apart to draw attention by using a different shade of blue. The genre of the film is clearly shown with the use of these various shades of blue. This colour has connotations with cold weather such as rain which further conveys the genre of the film. On the poster there is evidence of noise from water marks created by frost or snow suggesting that the poster itself is cold and has been affected by this. The background used doesnt feature humans which are emotive by nature. Instead the background features buildings which would be considered unfeeling and cold. Thus the background is also in keeping with the message of the film.

COLD teaser trailer
COLD full short film

1 comment:

  1. You worked well in class investigating this short film poster which was not an easy task as the material is actually quite hard to come by.
