Wednesday 1 October 2014


Today I have researched more about where short films are displayed. Short films, whilst often displayed at short film festivals, are also shown on television or online on television websites. 

When looking at various on demand sites such as Channel 4 there are various short films that can be viewed online. BBC iPlayer is commonly used to catch up on programmes that have originally aired on the BBC channel on television. Therefore it is clear that short films are not only distributed online. The BBC Network is a site specifically dedicated to showcasing short films: "Watch the best new movies from UK filmmakers. Film Network screens short films , promotes the UK movie industry and provides a social network of filmmaking"
[short films available for viewing online on the Channel 4 website]

[BBC Film Network site where an audience can find a "social network" of short films]

[Short films available online on BBC iPlayer] 

[Short animated film available online on BBC iPlayer] 

1 comment:

  1. A lengthy amount of work lay behind this research. You set out your results visually. No need to bracket captions.
