Thursday 9 October 2014


The film poster for the short film "The Crush" matched a scene in the film where the title of the film is introduced.

The audience are able to identify that this boy is a key character in the film because he is included with the title of the film and he is the only person seen in the image. 

The lighting used in the poster creates a dream like effect that is linked with the body language of the young boy. His body language indicates that he is concentrating or focused on something.  The words "The Crush" would suggest that the boy is day dreaming. The audience would associate his body language and facial expression with day dreaming or perhaps concentrating on something other than his work as he is seen in a relaxed position and not looking at his work. The word crush however shows that he is likely to be focused on the person he is attracted to. He appears to be day dreaming. The lighting also helps to focus on the boy who appears to glow. The bright white lighting could be associated with innocence. 

The poster was found on an article from the BBC website . The film seemed to lack promotional websites and tools and the poster was difficult to find. This is unusual as it is common for films to have promotional material that is easy to find. The film premiered at the Kerry Film Festival. The short film was written and directed by Michael Creagh and produced by Damon Quinn. 


  1. Thoughtful textual analysis but the poster has very little in the way of institutional info (release date, puffs, credits, classification). Explain how unusual this is, and why.
    State where you found it.
